Contact Information
Non-Emergency Contact
(915) 858-9237
240 N. Moon Rd
Socorro, TX 79927
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Available 24/7
Community Outreach

citizen's police academy
The Citizen’s Police Academy seeks to foster a relationship between the Socorro Police Department and members of the Socorro community. Participants will be offered a chance to understand the multiple aspects of police work in its entirety, including all of the different units and divisions, and learn how officers do their jobs as well as the guidelines they must abide by according to law. To apply, interested parties must print and fill out the application, as well as the waiver of liability and the waiver of release, then return it to Police Headquarters. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and are subject to background checks.
Upcoming Class Dates
neighborhood watch
The Neighborhood Watch program intends to include members of the community in the efforts to provide safety and security to the City of Socorro. No one knows the community better than its own members, and local efforts to keep our community safe will work in unison with the Socorro Police Department. Members of the Neighborhood Watch will work as an extension of the police department in ensuring the prohibition of crimes such as vandalism and burglary, by reporting any suspicious behaviors to Socorro PD.

police athletics league
The Police Athletics League (PAL) is a unique youth-oriented program providing opportunities for physical activity and positive mentor-youth interactions between Socorro Police Officers and area youth. PAL is an evidence-based after-school mentoring program for Socorro youth focused on improving police-youth attitudes and perceptions, improving positive feelings and attitudes towards school and our community, and improving school attendance. PAL provides structured after-school athletics coaching and mentorship for area youth in various sports activities. Socorro Police Officers coach youth in various sports including flag football, soccer, basketball and more. To register for PAL please fill out the registration packet linked below.