Press Release: Socorro Police Raids Stash House That Leads to a sex Trafficking Ring
*** UPDATE 4/13/23*** The Socorro Police Department is continuing with the investigation. It is pleased to report that initial suspicion of the victims being involved in sex trafficking has been ruled out. The Socorro Police continue to investigate the case, which is being investigated as a human trafficking incident. The Socorro Police are working with …
Press Release: Socorro Police Raids Stash House That Leads to a sex Trafficking Ring Read More »
Socorro Police Officers graduate from the U.S. Border Patrol Combined Honor Guard Academy Class 004
On Friday April 7th, Socorro Police Department’s Ofc. Rivera, Ofc. Acevedo and Ofc. Vega graduated from the U.S. Border Patrol Combined Honor Guard Academy Class 004, alongside, multiple Local, Regional, and Federal Law Enforcement Agents. #CityofSocorro #ACityWithAMission #SocorroProud #SocorroPD
City of Socorro Dispatch New Non- Emergency Number
The Socorro Police Department would like to inform you that the dispatch non-emergency number has changed! To make a police or animal control report, please call 915-858-9237. #CityofSocorro #ACityWithaMission #SocorroPD
The City of Socorro Police represented at Iron Soldier Sprint Triathlon
Sgt. Mario Benavidez represented the City of Socorro and its Police Department in the “IRON SOLDIER SPRINT TRIATHLON” The event was held on Saturday, September 24th, 2022, at Ft. Bliss, Texas with over 200 Military, Department of Defense, and civilian participants. The course consisted of a 400-meter swim, a 15-mile bicycle course, and 3.2-mile run. …
The City of Socorro Police represented at Iron Soldier Sprint Triathlon Read More »